A collection of articles written by Rob all about teaching maths in a classroom.Streaming – Really?!
You can call your bottom group the ‘Good Looking Long Leaping Antelopes’ or innocuous titles like Group G – you’re absolutely not fooling anyone. The Long Leaping Good Looking Antelopes and the kids of Group G know who they are – they’re the ‘thickheads’. We don’t want to see them as that or for them to see themselves as that, but the point is THEY DO. They must laugh at the fact that we try to hide who they are. They know who they are, and it hurts – a lot.
Rob shares his thoughts on streaming in classrooms and the negative impact it has on students, and offers a more effective alternative that won’t leave your ‘Good Looking Long Leaping Antelopes’ stuck at the bottom of the class. The full article can be found here.
Mental Computation and Auto Response –
Same-Same or Different?
If you want students to be better at maths, ditch the flashcards and instead focus on their ability to think flexibly and apply mental computation strategies.
An article written by Rob and published by the Mathematical Association of Victoria in their journal ‘Prime Number’. Rob discusses his approach to mental computation, and why many teachers set their students up to struggle with it by placing too much importance on rote-learning. A copy of the article is available here.
More articles to be added soon!