Michael and myself are basing our webinars for this year on Peter Liljedahl’s best selling and ground breaking book –


The book focuses directly on 14 practices that enhance mathematical learning:

1. What type of tasks we use
2. How we form collaborative groups
3. Where students work
4. How we arrange the furniture
5. How we answer questions
6. When, where and how tasks are given
7. What homework looks like
8. How we foster student autonomy
9. How we use hints and extensions
10. How we consolidate a lesson
11. How students take notes
12. How we choose to evaluate
13. How we use formative assessment
14. 14 how we grade

The first 6 webinars have had a focus on practices 1 to 8 with the current pair of webs (5 & 6) looking at practices 9, 10 and 11.

Webinar 5 (for Foundation to Year 2) and Webinar 6 (Years 3 to 6) will address the next three of the practices:
– Use hints and extensions to maintain flow
– Consolidating from the bottom
– Taking meaningful notes

Webinar 7 (for Foundation to Year 2) and Webinar 8 (Years 3 to 6) will address the final three
– Evaluating what you value
– Helping students see where they are and where they are going
– Grading/assessing based on data

Not only will each webinar be tailored to Liljedahl’s practices but they will also be specific to
Foundation to Year 2 and Years 3 to 6 audiences. Each webinar will feature tasks
(activities/games/problems), tips/advice and anecdotes that are relevant and appropriate to those specific Year levels.

As usual, our clear intention is to make every webinar practical, useful, worthwhile and engaging – a lot like every maths lesson should look and feel like!

[ Book spots for the webinars on Eventbrite or email me at rvec@bigpond.com and I can invoice your school directly – if that is more convenient]


Webinar 6: Aug 12 {3 – 6]
Webinar 7: Oct 22 [F -2]
Webinar 8: Oct 28 [3 – 6]